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This article explains how to change the background of an image using Photoshop. Even Photoshop beginners can try this out. Follow the steps below:
1. Open your image
First, you'll need to open the image you wish to remove the background from. Here, we're using a simple photograph of a giraffe to demonstrate.
2. Make a selection
Next, you will need to make a selection. To make a selection, there are various tools you can use, but for beginner, the easiest tools to use are the Quick Selection Tool and Magic Wand Tool. There's also the lasso tool, which can be more accurate but also take longer to use.
For this tutorial, we're using the Quick Selection tool, which can be found int the tool panel.
Make sure you're using the Quick Selection tool with the '+' in the centre, by pressing the shift key.
Select the background that you'd like to remove by clicking and dragging around the area. If accidentally that you don't want to, you can press the alt keyboard to use " -" Quick selection tool and remove it from the selection
When you have done with you selection, right click and then click ' Select Inverse '
3. Add a layer mask
Now, click the ' Add layer mask ' button at the bottom of the layer panel, and you will see clearly that the background is gone.
It might not look great yet, but don't worry, you can use the mask Edge tool to refine it.
4. Refine The Mask's Edge
Double click on the mask in your layer panel, and then click ' Mask Edge '. You'll now see the Refine Mask Menu.
From here, you can make adjustments to the mask to improve its appearance.
First, click show radius. You'll see nothing to begin with, but by adjusting the radius slider, you can make sure that the radius is picking up all of the stray hairs and getting rid of the background between them. Uncheck show radius to go back to the Refine Mask preview.
Use the sliders to adjust the mask until you're happy with the look you've achieved.
To help, you can change the view mode by clicking the blue arrow next to the thumbnail image and choosing from the drop down menu.
5. Add a new background
If you now want to add your photograph to a new background, you can do so by opening up the background image in Photoshop and simply dragging the cut out image onto the background.
Make money from your Website or Blog with BidVertiser
Make money from your Website or Blog with BidVertiser
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