Sell your ad space with BidVertiser

Many of you are probably familiar with Google Adsense, but you may not be as familiar with the recent upstart alternative BidVertiser. BidVertiser is a pay per click advertising service that is designed to work similarly to Google Adsense; however, you have the additional option to display targeted eBay advertisements as well.

You will be paid for every visitor that clicks on an ad from your website. But don’t try to click your own ads or else your account will be terminated, all of your remaining balance will be forfeited. Make money as much as possible from your advertising space, by letting advertisers bid on your ad space.

They will always display the highest bidders on your site, assuring the maximum revenue possible at any given time. You can customize the layout of your ads to fit your site's theme, in order to retain the high quality of your website using there simple tools just point and click.
Bidvertiser also have this referral program that you earn money by directing users to sign up with them. You can place a Referral button or a text link on your site and you will start to earn money when a user clicks on your button or link and signs as an advertiser or a publisher:
When a user signs as an advertiser and first spends $10, they'll credit your account with $5. When that same advertiser spends $50, you will be credited with an additional $20.

When a user signs as a publisher and first earns $10, they'll credit your account with $10. When that same publisher earns $50, you will be credited with an additional $40.
What are the advantages to BidVertiser? 
The first thing that jumps out at me is the $10.00 minimum requirement (vs. $100.00 minimum with Google Adsense). You also have the option of receiving your payment via Paypal and you can actually contact their toll free customer support line to have your questions answered and problems resolved.
How do I get started? 
Make money from your Website or Blog with BidVertiser
Once you’ve Sign UP, you will get some code to place on your website. If you’re using WordPress 2.0 or later, and you are using widgets, BidVertiser offers a plugin which is designed to help easily integrate BidVertiser ads on your blog. Others can just manually paste the code where you would like to display the advertisements.

How can I get BidVertiser account to start earning?

First Step:
You need you have your own website or blog. If you don't have, create a free blog now by follow the step: How to create a free blog with 2014

Sign Up For One Now

Go to BidVertiser and SIGN UP for the publisher account, click here

Next Step:

After you sign up for the publisher account, you will see the detail information about how to manage Advertisement with your Blog or Website. 
More detail: Make money from your Website or Blog with BidVertiser work 100% 

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